
23 mars 2015

Porosity testing machine for porcelain insulator

What is porosity testing machine?
The porcelain shell porosity testing machine is mainly applied for testing the porosity of the porcelain insulator shell.

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porcelain porosity testing machine

porcelain porosity testing machine for electrical porcelain insulator

Why do we need a porcelain porosity testing machine?
To ensure the desired performance of an electrical insulator, that is for avoiding unwanted insulator failure, each insulator has to undergo numbers of insulator test.
Before going through testing of insulator we will try to understand different causes of insulator failure. Because insulator testing ensures the quality of electrical insulator and chances for failure of insulation depend upon the quality of insulator. There are different causes due to which failure of insulation in electrical power system may occur. Now let’s talk about « porosity test ».

If the porcelain insulator is produced at low temperatures, the porcelain insulator wil be porous, and due to this reason it will absorb moisture from air thus its insulation will decrease and leakage current will start to flow through the insulator which will lead to insulator failure.

How do we perform porosity test for porcelain insulator?
To avoid this failure, ANSI (Amercian standard for insulator) has clearly defined the methods of how to test porosity of ceramic insulator shell:

1. The insulator is first broken into pieces.
2. Then These broken pieces of insulator are immersed in a 0.5 % alcohol solution of fuchsine dye under pressure of about 140.7 kg ⁄ cm2 for 24 hours.
3. After that the sample are removed and examine.

panel of porosity testing machine

Panel of porosity testing machine


The tested pieces are broken into smaller pieces and inside cross section shall be observed.Should there be any porosity,the presence of it in the material is indicated by a deep penetration of the dye into it. If there is no penetration of dye into it, we can conclude that the porcelain shell comply with requirements.

In hundreds of porcelain manufacturers’ workshop, the test is performed with our testing machine « Porosity testing machine for porcelain insulator »  which were designed and developed by contune international corporation. This machine is controlled by computer, it can precisely apply the presure as wanted and maintain the pressure for more than 96 hours, much longer than the requirements in ANSI or IEC standard. Operation of this machine is simple and effective, the button make it possible to apply the test as require

Main specifications of porcelain porosity testing machine:
Model.: KX-300
Accuracy level: Level.1
Compressing rate: 80:1
Medium: Water
Driving air pressure: 0.3 to 0.8 Mpa
Max output pressure: 40Mpa

Technical Support for « ceramic porosity testing machine »
Contune International always take after-sales service as one of our most important part. We provide FREE technical support in many ways for our clients, telephones, e-mails, online inquiry,skype,and etc. All possible means of modern communication are used for convenient contact between clients and us. For this ceramic porosity testing machine(equipment), technical support is also provided for free via means above.

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