Tag Archives: disc insulator

Testeur de charge mécanique défaillante pour isolateur (Cantilever & Tension)

Nom: Testeur de charge mécanique défaillante pour isolateur (cantilever et tension) Autre nom: testeur de charge en porte-à-faux / tension pour isolateur céramique / polymère / verre Introduction: Ce testeur de charge défaillante mécanique est conçu pour effectuer des tests de type et des échantillons sur des isolateurs électriques haute tension, testant leurs performances mécaniques […]

Insulator testing machines

Toughen glass disc insulators

Toughen glass insulators supplied by Contune International is disc type insulators. These glass insulators has ball and socket coupling,designed and tested according to IEC standard. The common types we supply are: U70BS,U70BL,U70BSP,U70BLP,U120BS,U120BL,U120BSP,U120BLP,U160BS,U160BL,U160BSP,U160BLP. Disc glass insulators are connected to make a string used on power lines,with one end connected to poles by fittings and other end […]

Toughen glass insulators

Porcelain disc insulators

Porcelain disc insulators are made into disc shape,that’s why it got this name.The disc insulator has metal fittings on both ends,usually seen as ball and socket type,and also there are tongue and clevis type coupling. Several pieces of ceramic disc insulators are connected together to make up a insulator string.This string are used in electricity […]

Porcelain insulators